HGV Fuel Efficiency

HGV fuel efficiency is a vitally important variable for hauliers and logistics firms and for all of us because it impacts the cost of food, goods, and clothing!

HGV Fuel Efficiency

The Opti Combustion upgrade for diesel engines from heavy goods vehicles involves upgrading the pistons with racing engine technology in the form of gapless rings and ceramic crown thermal coating.

This can lead to fuel efficiency gains in the order of 20% and substantial emissions cuts due to leaner burning in diesel engines (it works for natural gas and petrol engines also) once pistons are upgraded. The use of gapless piston rings has been around for years on racing engines and makes sense in trucks, cranes, excavators, and trains.

HGV Fuel Efficiency

In addition to boosting fuel economy and cutting pollution and emissions, the upgrade reduces blowby of soot into the lubricating oil, often doubling its life, and means the exhaust plume is cooler and more suitable for after treatment.

Reducing the PM burden on your catalyst and diesel particulate filter is a significant advantage; with the increasing sophistication of exhaust treatment systems, it is even more expensive if they go wrong.

HGV Fuel Efficiency

Achieving HGV fuel efficiency with a mechanical upgrade instead of more gadgets and electronics is sorting the issue at source, in the combustion process within the cylinders.

Talk to us about the process and how much fuel cost you could be saving today on 01324 309100 or send us an email at: oil@lubiq.uk