Author: admin

  • HGV Remapping

    Most of us have heard of chip wars or shortages of some microprocessor chips but have you heard of HGV remapping for better fuel economy without tuning or chips? Pistons and their rings are among the most important parts of a diesel engine. Upgrading them with the Opti Combustion process is a superior mechanical solution…

  • HGV Fuel Efficiency

    HGV fuel efficiency is a vitally important variable for hauliers and logistics firms and for all of us because it impacts the cost of food, goods, and clothing! The Opti Combustion upgrade for diesel engines from heavy goods vehicles involves upgrading the pistons with racing engine technology in the form of gapless rings and ceramic…

  • Lowering Exhaust Emissions From HGVs

    When the challenge of lowering exhaust emissions from HGVs arises, it is generally considered that only through increasingly sophisticated after-treatment or from stopping the use of a cylinder when idling can this be tackled. This is not wholly true and improving the combustion problem at source in the cylinder area holds good potential also. More…