Category: MPG Improvement

  • Upgrading Train Diesel Engines For Better Performance

    Upgrading train diesel engines is a very positive move when installing an Opti Combustion set of pistons that enhance efficiency within the same prime movers. Depending on the condition of the existing pistons we can reuse them to save on costs. While understandable to focus on the cost of diesel fuel and AdBlue for your…

  • How To Reduce Fuel Consumption In Cars

    Wondering how to reduce fuel consumption in cars? Consider the revolutionary Opti piston upgrade that offers a 20% improvement in MPG, doubles the life of engine oil, and cuts emissions and pollution in one go. With fuel costs as they are and the fact that EV charging infrastructure can be hard to find anything that…

  • Marine Diesel Engine Upgrade For Extra Range

    Using our service to upgrade the pistons with thermal ceramic crowns and gapless piston rings similar to that used in Nascar or F1 racing engines leads to high-speed marine diesel engines with as high as 20% extra range from the same fuel load. This dramatic improvement is very useful for work boats, patrol boats or…